Want Me To Help You Build Your Tutoring Website In Just A Few Hours?

….Even If You’re Not A Designer, You Have Zero Tech Skills, And You’ve Never Built A Website In Your Life.

Here’s How To Build A Simple 3 Page Website That Generates 3-5 New Students Per Week... QUICKLY

The reality of running a tutoring business is that you NEED A WEBSITE that can turns visitors into booked consultations.

The problem is, many teachers and tutors believe they must:

- Spend a small fortune on a website designer, even if they lack experience in running a tutoring business.

- Invest six months of their time learning how to code and build a website from scratch.

- Devote months to researching the best software options, spending hours watching YouTube review videos.

They also tend to rely on listing their profile on tutoring websites and hope that students will opt for group tutoring.

But here's the truth: all you need is a SIMPLE and CLEAR website that can turn curious website visitors into pre-sold consultations.

And don't worry—I'm not talking about the kind of 40-page website that requires a rocket science degree to code or thousands of dollars to have someone else build it for you.

I'm talking about a simple, 3-page website that you can comfortably create from the cozy confines of your favorite armchair, even if you have no tech skills whatsoever and have never built a website before.

And the best part?

Once your website is up and running, it can act as your very own "marketing assistant," generating a steady stream of clients on a weekly basis. And guess what? It only takes an afternoon or two to build.

Inside The 6-Figure Online Tutoring Bundle, I'll guide you through the entire process and more.

Curious to see how it's done?

I'm Going To Give You The Tools, Templates & Walkthroughs Necessary To Pave Your Way Towards A 6-Figure Tutoring Business...


The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle

Build Your Student Generating Website In A Single Afternoon Without Feeling Lost or Confused

Everything Your Tutoring Website Needs To Generate Consultations Whilst Priming Parents & Students To Be Pre-Sold On Group Tutoring & Your Unique Process Before They Even Speak With You

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Would you like to get your website set up fast so you can start your tutoring business as soon as possible?

Building a website can seem like a daunting task as there are so many options to choose from.

So if you'd like to save time and use the same technology that I use to run my own successful tutoring business, and want to be shown exactly how to set everything up the best way possible... Even if you feel like a complete "techno-phobe"...

Then you need the Ultimate Tutoring Bundle.

In this bundle you'll get access to:

1) Done For You Website Template

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That’s right - you’re going to have your very own 6 figure tutoring website ready to go live in under a few hours...

Everything is figured out from how the pages look to what words need to be said and where, to how to get students to sign up for your services everything has been figured out and all you have to do is put your brand name ino the site, change the subject to suit your niche and fill in the blanks for your program…

And the best part?

This is the exact same website framework that I used personally to generate 6 figures in my very first year as a 6 figure tutor.

So here’s what this means for you

You'll save hours figuring out what software to use

You'll be able to convey the benefits of your program in a clear structured way for parents & students to understand

You'll have a professional looking website you can be proud of and you'll be ready to start signing up your very first students in a matter of hours not months like most people who want to build their online tutoring business

2) Done For Demo Slides

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You'll learn exactly what to show parents and students during a consultation. To help demonstrate the high value inside your program and increase the likelihood of a new student sign up for your business.

The reason this works so well is that it helps parents and students visualise what your student education process looks like..

So that they can see what is going to happen and know with 100% certainty that you are going to get them the results that they want and take care of their education even more then they’d even realised was possible..

And what’s more is these done for you demoslides don’t require any technical skill to modify for your syllabus we’ll show you how you can quickly and easily make any modifications that you need in 1-2 hours work or less…

Next up...

3) Pre-Sales Process Slides

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could have people come to consultations already convinced?

This can be achieved by having parents and students watch a recorded screen share where you guide them through your "pre-call webinar slides."

I'll provide you with the template so you can create one for your tutoring business.

This way, you can quickly prepare your pre-consultation video training to ensure that parents and students are already committed to group tutoring before their consultation with you.

This significantly increases the likelihood of enrolling new students into your group program.

These pre-consultation slides are the quickest way to ensure that when parents and students join your calls, they have a couple of questions instead of a hundred.

These powerful slides are designed to provide parents and students with all the information they need about your group tutoring, your unique learning process, what sets you apart from the numerous other tutoring options available, and why they should choose you.

Moreover, these slides are designed to show students how you will guarantee their success. It's not just about informing them of how your tutoring works; it's about getting them excited about your services and how much easier it will make their life and education.

Let's face it, people seek tutoring not just for knowledge but for exam success.

That's why we have structured these slides in a way that demonstrates how much easier the exams will be once they sign up for your program.

By focusing on showcasing to your students and parents that you can help them pass their exams with higher grades, increased certainty, and better results, both you and your tutoring business emerge as winners.

4) Easy Email Automations

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When someone contacts you but doesn't proceed to book a consultation, what do you do?

You send them an email.

I'll provide you with my pre-written, engaging emails that are specifically designed to motivate parents to take action and schedule a consultation with you.

You see, these emails are sent when individuals inquire on your website but don't follow through with booking a consultation. The purpose is to encourage them to take that next step and secure a consultation with you.

With the 6-figure tutoring businesses we build, we have people sign up and provide their email when they book an appointment.

These easy email automations are crafted to streamline your business operations. They consist of powerful, pre-scripted email sequences that automatically activate when someone shows interest on your website but doesn't proceed with booking. The emails are strategically crafted to create excitement and persuade them to schedule a consultation.

Moreover you also will receive instructions and templates to enhance the consultation process. Once someone has booked a consultation, the invitee will receive confirmation emails and SMS reminders.

These proactive measures are designed to significantly increase the show-up rate and ensure that parents and students attend their scheduled consultations. By providing timely reminders and clear instructions, you can maximize the effectiveness of your consultations and boost the likelihood of successful enrollments.

So, what does this mean for you?

It's designed to generate more bookings and ensure that parents and students attend your consultations, resulting in increased student enrollments.

The easy email automations are developed with efficiency in mind. I'm providing you with the exact system that I personally use in my own business—the very system that has helped me secure more appointments and enroll more students.

5) Student Management System

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When you're running your tutoring business.... Your main focus should be growing the business and delivering an excellent service.

You don't want to be stressed out finding out which customers signed up, which didn't, when your last consultation was etc.

With the 6 Figure Tutoring Business set up the way we show, you're quickly going to realise that you're going to start more bookings and enquiries than you ever thought was possible. And so you're going to need a proven process to manage all of the new student & parent enquiries you're getting to your 6 figure tutoring business

With the student management system you're getting access to right here on this verty page you'll have a proven system to track all your enquiries & students in your tutoring business.

You'll know exactly who has booked a consultation, who signed up, which parents you need to follow up with, your student enrollment percentage and much more.

This way you'll have complete control of your bunsiness from the day you launch so that you can focus on running the business, not managing the business, so that you can be focused on signing up students not wondering where your next students are coming from.

All of which means you'll have complete control of your business as it grows.

6) Tech Friendly Technology Tutorial

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Technology can be a nightmare.

Figuring out how to use it, googling which software is the best, contacting support when something isn't working... Then assembling it altogether. I don't know about you, but I'm no tech person.

And the last thing I want for you is to feel frustrated when creating your tutoring business.

So with the total technology tutorials, I've put together a simple video training showing you exactly what software to use and how to put this together in just a few hours.

Rather than spending a month figuring it all out and having analysis paralysis, your tutoring business will be set up in just an afternoon. Designed to help you hit the ground running and allow you to shift your focus to generating students.

This is a video training walking you through every part of the Ultimate Tutoring Bundle to help you implement everything quickly and easily.

No stone has been left unturned. You'll be able to get everything set up in under 2-3 hours (give or take a little longer)

The Ultimate Tutorial Bundle Comes With Everything You Need: Your Professional Website, Simple Student Management Systems... And Everything You Need To Run Your 6-Figure Tutoring Business Successfully

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More Importantly... It Means You Will Actually Do This!

Everything will change for you once you implement the 6 Figure Tutoring System - and from what I just outlined you know you can do this for sure...

There will never be a moment of confusion on what to do next because the Ultimate Tutoring Bundle will give you everything you need in order to do this.

The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle Will Motivate You To Get Everything Completed And...

Start Making This Tutoring Business An Actual Reality For You

It will ensure you properly read the book you just purchased, watch the bonus trainings and get to work.

I don't want you to purchase this book and then never implement. As it will mean you're just in the same position.

I've Done All The Hard Work For You

I did all of the hard work, and figured everything out, so you don’t have to…

What’s your time worth?

And what’s a potential student worth to your tutoring business?

I can’t answer that for you, but what I can do is tell you what our students are worth…

But our average client is worth $2,000…

So If Everything In The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle Got You One Client At $2k

That means this would be easily worth $2,000 are bare minimum…

One client to pay for it all...that seems like a deal right?

Yeah, but we’re not here to do deals…

We’re here to help you get where you need to go…

So even if you paid half of that - that would make it worth $1,000…

Since I made it for your benefit it might make sense to charge these prices because between the cost of testing it, figuring it all out, creating it, organizing it, packaging it and creating the training around it...

As you can see, it’s not cheap,…

And we thought long and hard about this…

On One Hand I Wanted To Make This For Free

On the other hand....we can't stay in business by just giving everything away...

We have costs to keep the servers, support and staff running and there’s the risk of opening competition to my own tutoring business…

We thought long and hard about charging $500.

Knowing full well you can get all your money back from just 1/4 of 1 client.

It seemed like a fair price.

But then we thought more about how much you guys are in need of something like this

And how your credit cards might not be able to withstand another $500 on it.

So we chopped it to $250 and settled on that price.

$250 it was.

For a time.

Then We Thought We Could Do Better...

We chopped the price again.

To $225

And then one more final chop to just


That's It... Just $195 For The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle

You're getting...

  • Website templates to get consultations for high price online group tutoring
  • ​All of our demo slide templates so you can demonstrate the value of your program
  • All of pre-sales process slides to prime parents and students to enrol in your group tutoring program
  • ​The Email Automations so you can get more parents to book in consultations with you
  • And everything else I use in my very own tutoring business...

Your Next Steps

So if you want to have your tutoring set up as quickly as possible and would like my templates and scripts to start enrolling clients easier.

Then you can upgrade your order today and get yourself ahead of 99.9% of tutors out there who compete on price on competitive tutoring job boards.

If you upgrade your today you'll be able to finally start building a new life of success.

That’s your key to a better life.

This Is Going To Ensure You Get All The Results You Want From The Fast Student Enrolment Method

Just imagine how you would feel knowing that you have one of the biggest hurdles all sorted.

Life will definitely be a lot less stressful.

What are the benefits of upgrading?

Save Time: With the website templates, email automations, pre-call webinar slides, technology tutorials, and student management system included in the bundle, you'll save valuable time and effort. This means you can focus more on delivering exceptional tutoring services and less on administrative tasks, giving you a sense of freedom and control over your time.


Increased Student Sign Up Percentage: The pre-call webinar slides and email automations are strategically designed to persuade and convert potential clients. By leveraging these resources, you'll feel more confident in your ability to convince parents to purchase your tutoring services, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Watch & Implement Our Video Tutorials & Templates So You Can Launch Your 6 Figure Tutoring Business Today For $195

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Website Template Pages (know what to talk about on each page of your website)

Demo Slides (know exactly how to present your program on a consultation)

Pre-Sales Process Slides (know exactly what to say so parents & students are bought in before the consult)

Simple Email Automations (know exactly what email automations to have in place to increase bookings)

Technology tutorial (watch our simple tech friendly video walkthroughs so you know exactly what to do)

Student Management System (so you can keep track of all the enquiries in your tutoring business)

Everything will be integrated together and you'll have a machine that attracts new tutoring students consistently.



Payment Methods

The Automated Consultation

Want to know how you can enroll students by sending a simple google doc, text message or email? 

Learn this additional relaxed approach to help you generate more students sign ups.

This will additional upgrade will help you to:

1) Get more serious parents enquiring to work with you and remove any skepticism. 

2) Get more parents signing up for your services without having to have a consultation call.

3) Enables you to sell your future programs to existing customers by sending a short email or text/whatsapp message.

      This will save you an incredible amount of time and enable you to work with more students.

      This training is concise, direct and packed with powerful content. It provides you with ready-to-use scripts and templates that you can use to enrol more students without sacrificing more time.

      Our best students include this with their purchase of the Fast Student Enrolment Method & The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle. 

      This is offer is only available for a limited time

      [[2900 | currency]] [[6700 | currency]]

      Onboarding Toolkit

      You've got a new student! 

      Now what?

      Ensure that you have a smooth onboarding process with our Ultimate Onboarding Toolkit.

      Gain access to our Tutoring Contracts, which parents sign before making a purchase. These contracts protect you, your business, and establish your professionalism. 

      You'll also receive our customer welcome email series and client expectation documents. 

      Our best students include this with their purchase of the Fast Student Enrolment Method & The Ultimate Tutoring Bundle.

      This is offer is only available for a limited time

      [[1500 | currency]] [[4700 | currency]]

      Simple Sales Script (52% OFF)

      Want my word for word sales script that I've used to sign up students for £2600+? Simply edit to match your business. You'll be able to sign up students without being pushy. Add to your order today for 52% off.
      [[4700 | currency]] [[9700 | currency]]

      Order Summary

      [[invoiceItem.quantity]] x [[invoiceItem.unit_price | currency]]
      [[checkoutContext.order.invoice.subtotal | currency]]
      [[checkoutContext.order.invoice.tax | currency]]
      [[checkoutContext.order.invoice.shipping | currency]]
      -[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.discount | currency]]
      [[checkoutContext.order.invoice.total | currency]]