Give me 60 minutes, and I will assist you in mapping the structure of your entire group tutoring business.

This personalized session will enable you to quickly attract new students profitably.

Through our session, you will gain clarity on what to offer parents and students for $1k to $3k, as well as how to optimize your future programs to maximize profitability.

Moreover, you will acquire precise guidance on structuring your marketing and sales processes, ranging from web page layout to delivering your consultations.

You will learn the most effective messaging to use in your advertisements, emails, and content in order to build trust, generate interest, and establish authority in your specific field.

Additionally, I will provide you with recommendations on the appropriate technology stack to utilize throughout the entire process.

You will have the advantage of learning from someone who already operates a successful group tutoring business.

As a bonus, you will receive access to the recording of our session.

Want to book a session? The cost is $250 for my time. 

Click  the button below to book a time.

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